Posts Tagged ‘Fela Durotoye’

Real Life Questions.

Question.Wow! I have had a wonderful day. I have not had any particular rest since morning but nevertheless I have enjoyed my day. I slept late at around the third hour of the day. You ask, “Why? , I was busy on the phone with a good friend and we were relating ideas on writing, blogging, business, life (now and in the future) and so on. I loved it because I got to encourage him and correct him on some things he was doing wrong. In a way, I made an impact which I know that later in life he will always remember that moment for good. I mustn’t forget he commended me on my blog and I got encouraged too. Iron sharpens iron, you know.

My post today will be trashing out issues on how you and I have been living our lives, how we are living our lives and how we should continue to live our lives. Life is good for those who know the pathway. I must note here, however, that a good or successful life is not based on the amount of riches you are able to gather or how great your wealth is, but rather on the amount of smiles you are able to put on people’s faces.

A lot of us just live life the way it comes. We never bother about where it all started, where it is and where it will end. We give no thought to the fact that as we move from one step to another and days roll by, our history is written – an autobiography, at that. I am here to tell you that with your hand (your actions); the history of your life is written.

I want you to take some minutes to imagine that you are attending the burial of yourself and people are testifying of how you spent your life. What do you think they will say? Are you sure they will not be happy that you have gone? Now, imagine yourself being given the opportunity to read your own eulogy at your burial, what would you like people to ear?  I know you will read the best eulogy that has never been read to anyone to yourself because I am sure you will want everybody to feel like you lived a good live. Come to think of it, “Is the kind of life you are living now similar to what you will want to be read in your eulogy?” If you say, “No” why? And if you say, “Yes” then I humbly bow to congratulate you. In my opinion, a good and successful life must successfully answer the questions below;

What do I live for? This questions what you are doing with my life. Do you live to make the world a better place or to make it worse than you met it? Is the memorable impact you are making in the lives of the people you meet daily positive or negative? I need you to understand that greatness is not defined on what you possess but how you reach out to others; not your affluence but your influence; not what you can get but what you can give.

What do I want to be remembered for? By the time you depart to the world beyond, what great achievement will be mentioned against your name? Will people even miss you at all or rather they start to rejoice like they have done to some in this country, Nigeria.  Will your life be full of impact or void of impact?

These “life” questions must be sincerely answered if you desire to live a life full of relevance and impact. A wonderful man, Fela Durotoye once said that you need to be sincere to your future than to your past. Start today to mould a great and impactful future for yourself. It takes one step at a time, so simple. Remember, men don’t decide their future, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future. In other words, the change starts from your habits (your daily activities) and then influences your future.

I know you and I will make the world a better place and be remembered for good.

Move with the Right Ones.

Move with the right ones!Getting to the top in your career, personal life or whatever, might be a tough one or an easy stroll depending on the people you move with or the caucus you belong to. Relationship has a major role to play in our achieving purpose in life. I look back into my life and I see the impact of friends though some are positive while some are unavoidably negative.

Les Brown said, “There are two types of relationship; Nurturnal relationship and toxic relationship. Nurturnal relationship nurses you, helps you, challenges you, brings the best out of you, holds you accountable, and it keeps you focused. While toxic relationship drains you” Whatever you become is as a result of the relationship you are into. Who do you move with? Who is your best friend? Whose advice do you respect the most? That friend in your life according to Fela Durotoye does one of these things: Adds to you, Takes away from you, Multiplies you or Divides you into pieces.

A lot of us don’t care about the kind of people we move with and the kind of impact these people have over our lives. We move with the wrong set of people, listen to the wrong set of people and still expect our lives to be in any way better than before? No! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. When you give your ears to the word of God, faith in the word of God is born. When you give your ears to the word of man, faith in the word of man in born. Your eyes and ears are the gate way to your heart. What you hear often, goes into your heart and develops inside of you and therefore forms your outside and circumstances. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Some people have great and promising future but the kinds of relationships they are into or the kinds of friends they have are gradually destroying their dreams and aspirations. I make bold to say this that great men and mere men are made by the kind of friends they have. Fela Durotoye said, “Show me your friend and I will tell you where you are going” He reiterated that your friends are the reflection of your future. What you will become in life can be determined by the kinds of friends you move with.

It is important that I put to your notice that you can’t blame anybody for the kind of friends you have. It’s your choice! You can’t determine the kind of family you belong to but the friends in your life are your choice. You need to understand that you don’t need everybody liking you but you only need the right person liking you. You should choose your friends and not the other way round.

You need to be loyal to your future than to your past. Sit down and make a list of the friends in your life and indicate if these people have been an addition, a subtraction, a multiplication or a division in your life. Does that relationship make you grow spiritually, financially, mentally and intellectually? Do these people challenge you and daily bring the best out of you or do they drain you and you see your self-worth vanish as the day goes by? Some friends are blessings while some are curses. You need to decide for yourself either the relationship is a productive one or an unproductive one and cut yourself from the unproductive ones for the sake of your future.

I will leave with what Jim Rohn said – “Look at the people in your life and ask this question, ‘What is this relationship doing to me?”

Never blame anybody for bringing out the worst in you. It’s your choice!